Studio   Charles Di Piazza Architecture (CDPA) is a practice that designs high quality modern architecture. We put a strong emphasis on the inventive use of building materials, the qualities of light and the relationship between the building and it
  Dogtrot House, 3D Print.
  Dogtrot House, 3D Print.
  Dogtrot House, 3D Print.
  Dogtrot House, Walnut.
  Dogtrot House, Walnut.
  Windsor, 3D Print & Foamboard.
  Windsor, 3D Print & Foamboard.
  Court / Corten House, Walnut.
  Court / Corten House, Foamboard & Chipboard.
  Court / Corten House, Painted Chipboard.
  Texas French Bread Patio, Cardboard & Tissue.
  Screen Study, Museum Board.
  Township Cove, Museum Board.
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